Thursday, April 16, 2015


First of all, why am I blogging all of a sudden, is it an assignment or will it be considered as my next assess, (cos after coming to coll, we do things only when it calls for considering it a part of curriculum), but that's definitely not the case with this blog. I decided to blog cos I wanted to share a thing or a two.

Now what is it, that drew my attention?

Not everyday you remember the things that happen right from the time you wake up till the time you hit the bed, but today that was not the case, it should be around 2.30 when my classes were done and I reached the bus stand that I usually use to board my bus i saw something that overwhelmed me with shock.. a hard sight to see, 2 girls around 7 years wearing ragged frocks and tights beneath, with their hairs oiled and tied in tight plaits rolled up in bun were waiting for the crowd to gather, little did I know that they where waiting for audience to start their performance.

Now what did they do? 
There was a setup that served to dry clothes, ( not meant for I thought it should've been) and the rope erected between two criss-cross rods was the stage of performance to these young girls. Now the girl chose to perform while the spectators were busy waiting for their buses and occasionally looking at the girls, there was a woman( I'm expecting her to be their mother) who chose to contribute to the team by playing a noisy background with a 'no-standard-name-instrument'. with the noise that was hard to ignore and the scene that was growing over-clumsy, what followed was more disastrous. The girls in turns where pole balancing with no support under the hotsun to earn the pitiness of the I-dont-care-commuters..  

At the end of the show, these 2 girls went with 2 vessels around for money.

now what would you do if you faced a similar situation?
give the girl a penny, and think you just saved her or call the police to evacuate the public place..
What's worse i din't do both, as my volvo stood there open-door waiting for me to step-in..i got-in and started day dreaming...

What i asked myself, did they have to go through all this to earn few pennies which we lavishly spend on the most silly of things. These little things that you see in our day-to-day life teach you a hell lot of things, but its just that you have to closely perceive them.